Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

First-time buyer scheme

The Scheme Grant on the Acquisition of a Residential Property intends to assist first-time homebuyers in the crucial first years after the purchase of their first home by granting the sum of €10,000 over a ten-year period when purchasing a property.

10% Deposit Scheme

The Scheme on 10% Deposit is aimed towards individuals aged 39 or less who are in a position to take a loan but have not yet saved the 10% value of the property not catered for in the loan.  The Housing Authority acts as a guarantor in a personal loan for this amount, thereby enabling beneficiaries to purchase properties worth up to €225,000.  Interest on this personal loan is paid by the Housing Authority

Housing Benefit Scheme

The Private Rent Housing Benefit Scheme provides financial assistance for rent payments.  The scheme ensures that nobody would have to pay more than 25% of their income in rent; provided that rent paid does not exceed €400 / month for singles and couples without children; €500 / month for families with one child and €600 / month for families with two or more children

Equity Sharing Scheme

The Equity Sharing Scheme is aimed towards individuals aged 30+ who, due to their age and income, cannot take a loan which suffices to purchase their home.  The Housing Authority purchases up to 50% of a property worth up to €250,000, thereby lowering the value of the loan taken by the beneficiaries.  The remaining share is purchased from the Housing Authority when the beneficiaries’ financial situation improves. 

Social Loan Scheme

The Home Assist Loan Scheme is aimed towards low income earners who are not in a position to finance a home loan.  A grant of up to €167 / month is given to finance part of the repayment of a loan for the purchase of a property worth up to €140,000.  The annual income threshold is €19,990.04 for single persons, €20,990.04 for single parents and €21,990.04 for couples.


Sir Sid Darek

Scheme Sir Sid Darek enables tenants to purchase their Government owned residence.  Tenants who hold assets worth less than €150,000 are granted 50% subsidy on the sale price.  The sale is effected at the Housing Authority’s discretion; high value, strategically located and historic properties are not offered for sale under this scheme.

Sir Sid Darek 2

This Scheme enables tenants  of  Properties  at Valletta, Xatt ir-Risq at Senglea, Mtarfa, Pembroke, Tigne’ Sliema and Marsaskala Qasam tal-Bujar  become owners and continue using the property as their ordinary residence.  Only those properties which are owned by the Housing Authority and which can be transferred from the Lands Authority to the Housing Authority can be sold under this Scheme.

Sir Sid Darek 2

This Scheme enables tenants  of  Properties  at Valletta, Xatt ir-Risq at Senglea, Mtarfa, Pembroke, Tigne’ Sliema and Marsaskala Qasam tal-Bujar  become owners and continue using the property as their ordinary residence.  Only those properties which are owned by the Housing Authority and which can be transferred from the Lands Authority to the Housing Authority can be sold under this Scheme.

Grant on First Residence

The Grant to Assist Owners in the Completion of the First Home provides financial assistance to all first time buyers; no income threshold applies.  The grant is calculated as 15.254% of the fiscal receipts submitted for finishing works, capped at €5,824.  An additional €1,165 is granted for rehabilitation on construction works if the purchased property was built before 1990.

New Hope Scheme

The New Hope Scheme enables individuals who cannot take a life insurance due to a medical condition to purchase their residence.  The Housing Authority acts as a guarantor in lieu of the life insurance policy to enable the purchase of properties worth up to €250,000.  The beneficiaries pay a yearly contribution for the amount that would have been paid on a life insurance policy.

Tax Reduction Scheme

This scheme is intended for owners who lease their residence at affordable rents and are interested in selling the property to their tenants; as long as the tenants are eligible for the Housing Benefit.  Both owners and tenants shall be exempt from paying tax on the first €200,000 if the lease has been ongoing for 10 years.  Owners and tenants will be eligible for a 50% tax deduction if the lease has been ongoing for 3 years.

Rehabilitation of Vacant Dwellings

Development of HOS Plots

Waiving of a 25% fee for developments on plots of land allocated through the Home Ownership Scheme if the redeveloped properties are to be used by the beneficiaries' children.